Returns and Refunds

Consumer who purchases products and services directly from the website has the right of withdrawal from the contract as provided for in the new Directive 2011/83/EU, transposed by Legislative Decree no. 21 February 2014, n. 21.
Consumer can return the products or give up the services purchased within 14 days from the delivery of the product or the purchase of the service and obtain a refund of the price already paid, without having to give any reasons and without incurring any costs, except for the direct cost of returning the goods to Grace’s Wonders.
Consumer is also responsible for the risks associated with the transport operations for returning the product. The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending, within the period of 14 days following the delivery of the product or the purchase of the service, a written communication to the headquarters of Grace’s Wonders, in Lissone (MB), Via Flavio Gioia n. 22, ch. 20851 by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The communication may be sent, within the same period, by e-mail to the following address PEC The right of withdrawal expires when the returned product is not intact, is free of the original packaging or has suffered transport damage not attributable to the delivery made by Grace’s Wonders to the Consumer and not reported above. The refund of the price paid by the consumer will be made by Grace’s Wonders within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notice of withdrawal by the consumer. The refund will be made by bank transfer to the coordinates indicated by the consumer in the notice of withdrawal. The consumer must return the goods within 14 days from the date on which he communicated to Grace’s Wonders the will to withdraw from the contract. This deadline shall be deemed to have been met if the consumer returns the goods to Grace’s Wonders before the expiry of the 14-day period referred to above.